
bed of roses ad

One that was published on 16th August New Idea magazine and I failed to get a snap shot of it so here it is a flat copy.


60's poster

Adding a new addition to my design skill is the 60's poster design style, this is used as my avatar on facebook too. I am waiting for the day that I can apply these skills to my work.


empire magazine ad

Heres another one of my ad which was published recently on Australia's Empire Magazine, this is a HPV (half page vertical) ad of Be Kind Rewind.


designer for life

As for my passion in design, I will be a designer for life no matter where I am, where I work, what I do and where I go. I see design wherever I go let it be cooking, eating, playing, exercising, blogging, watching a movie and etc. I look at how well an object is designed, wonder how they did it and if I could do the same. The current designer that I currently look up to will be my creative director at Roadshow Entertainment, my mentor if I could tag him. The way he looks at a design, the way he design, the way he explains to me, the way he remembers things and the way he communicates and treat his staffs is second to none. Whenever he comes back to me with changes or when he re-arrange my work amazes me, with his guidance and my passion for design I will try my best to excel in any given task.

This design is for all the designers out there that loves what they are doing, designing! Cheers.


apple coldplay design

Design inspired by coldplay apple design ad. Some have mistaken this design to be inspiring or impressing to my audience whereas it is bluntly a copy of coldplay apple design ad. Not used to get recognition but use to improve my design skills which I need badly, I need to learn as much photoshop tricks so that I can be more productive at work and at home. Learn or fall behind, thanks for reading.

That Mitchell and Webb Look Ad

I missed out in getting a copy of 'That Mitchell and Webb Look' HPV (half page vertical) ad that I did for Drum Media. For this ad I was given the freedom to do what my creative instinct told me to, though I must say I spend quite a while on this ad as it was my 2nd week at Roadshow Entertainment and I was worried if the creative director was to like it or not. He came back with a few changes and away it goes.

So here it is a flat version of the ad, I've learnt my lesson and will be keeping a record of all my projects that are being approved so that I will be able to provide a 3D version of the actual product. Thanks again.


the godfather + peaceful person

My avatar was getting old and its time for a new avatar, thats when 'the godfather' came into play. John, the creative leader of Activate Youth emailed me asking if I was interested in designing the desktop wallpaper for September's theme which is 'Peaceful Person', I took the offer and these are the results.


first published work

Finally I got a hold of STACK and The Brag magazine from JB Hifi, they published the ads that I did at Roadshow Entertainment. These are among the other things that I do at work, from creating the layout and design to taking pictures of the DVD pack shots. Some were merely laying out the existing artwork and design element which were already available to us, all we had to do is create an ad that attracts the reader's attention and designing the layout to suit the DVD pack.

Be Kind and Rewind half page horizontal ad for The Brag magazine was done about 3 weeks ago, my job was to use the design elements from the DVD pack shot and create an ad. The Hopscotch ad that I did for Stack magazine was completed around the same time as Be Kind and Rewind ad, for this ad I had to re-design the layout of the page with the DVD pack shots and still shots from the movie.

Hope that this will at least give you an understanding on the projects that I have at Roadshow Entertainment. Stay tuned, more to come.

The Brag Magazine (A3 size)

Stack Magazine (A4 size)


make over

My old blog looked too plain and simple, not enough design element. So I spend some time playing designing the banner and background, this is what I came up with. Hope you guys like it. Cheers!


work and personal work

Im still yet to get a hold on my design for the works I did for Roadshow Entertainment and from now on I will be taking down the release and publish date of my projects so it will be easier for me to get some decent pictures of them instead of having to constantly check video stores and magazine for them.

Meanwhile, I have been playing around with photoshop lately to improve my skills so that I will be able to be more productive at work, anyways enjoy.


my projects so far

I am yet to let you folks know what project and how many projects I'm currently handling. The left bar tab on the image below are the projects that I am currently doing which counts to 25 and it doesn't include previous projects which had been completed.

Just to show you guys that Im not really having a walk in the park at work BUT I am definitely enjoying myself! Challenges and interesting projects!

I will post up pictures of the actual product as soon as I can get my hands on them and I thank you for your patience.